Book Appointment Online

You can book an online appointment via our third party provider, Healthengine. Please use your name on Medicare card when creating a Healthengine profile.  Otherwise it will not be linked to your patient record.

We are a Mixed Billing Medical Practice.


All patients aged between 16 and 69 years (inclusive) will be charged privately for all weekday GP telehealth or face to face consultations.

A proportionate amount of this fee can be claimed back from Medicare after the consultation.

On weekdays, patients aged 15 and under or 70 years and older, or those who hold a valid pension card will be BULK BILLED for most GP consultations. Certain consultations may incur an out-of-pocket fee, which will be discussed during your consultation by your GP.


All patients, irrespective of age, will be charged privately for all GP consultations. Scheduled immunisations and nursing appointments will be bulk billed. Please note, after-hours fees apply after 1pm.

See our patient information page for more information

Prefer to book on the phone? Call (02) 9440 9411